About the Google and Larry Page and Sergey Brin

Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google, in the September 1998 the internet search engine while they were graduating at Stanford University in Palo Alto California. Google has become one of the most successful that com business in history with their management team that represents some of the most experienced Technology professionals in the industry. Google mission is to organise the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful to everyone the total Assets of Google as of September 2013 were estimated at US dollars 110. 92 billion with an employee strength of 49,829(2014).

Larry Page was 6 years old, when his love for computers begin he was influenced by his father docter call Victor page computer science professor at Michigan State University while during PhD in Computer Science at Stanford University, Larry Page and Sergey Brin and together they developed and ran Google. Sergey Brin, a native of Moscow, received a bachelor of science degree with Honours in mathematics and computer science from the University of Maryland at College Park.


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