Hardware : hardware is refer to all physical components of a computer in this Mouse keyboard printer monitor CPU these are the hardware parts. In this hardware we have two parts or two types of devices which of the following has given below. 1. Input devices 2 . Output devices
Input De vices: Devices by which we feed data and instructions into a computer are called input devices in the given below some of the input devices are as follows. 1.keyboard The keyboard has many keys to enter data and the instructions also. In the keyboard the keys are market with English letters from A to Z, number 0-9, mathematical signs like addition multiplication division etc., And also the keyboard help punctuation marks that helps to us in typing any data to correctly. The keyboard has also special keys is it has some symbols that helps us to recognise their uses. 2 . The Mouse The mouse has two buttons and a scroll wheel. The most is used for select objects text and draw the pictures on the computer. the The Attacks of the most ticket or double clicked to perform different types of tasks. 3. Light pen The light pen is used for drawing objects directly on the screen and it is also used for select an option or any other Windows on the screen by simply Pointing at the op...
Graphical user interface(GUI ) This operating system is Graphic based and interactive in nature the comments were replaced by the graphics number displayed on the computer screen the user can do all operations by clicking at these graphical symbols. No user does not need to c r a m the lengthy comments on their syntax as they had to do in character user interface example of gui are Windows 98 Windows XP Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 8.1 Windows 10 etc.
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